Tuesday, 24 January 2023

 AutoCad Mechanical  

AutoCAD Mechanical training course for professional 2D mechanical design and drafting.

The AutoCAD Mechanical toolset provides an engineering design solution specifically for the manufacturing industry. AutoCAD Mechanical simplifies and automates many common tasks, accelerating the mechanical CAD process and improving productivity.

Our AutoCAD Mechanical course teaches the key commands and techniques for professional 2D mechanical design and drafting using AutoCAD Mechanical.

AutoCAD Mechanical training is arranged on-request, i.e. one-to-one training or a ‘closed course’ for your group. Your training can be tailored to take into account any existing knowledge you have, and the work you’re going to be doing.

In-class or online

Our centres are open for in-class training, with full safety measures implemented. Where numbers allow, you’ll sit at a desk without anyone sitting next to you.

All courses are available in our popular live online format.

Accredited AutoCAD Mechanical training

Armada is an Autodesk authorised Training Centre (ATC), and our AutoCAD Mechanical training courses are accredited by Autodesk.

AutoCAD Mechanical courses are hosted by Carl Portman, an Autodesk Certified Instructor, with vast experience of using the application professionally.


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Mechanical Engineering is considered an essential discipline is known for applying engineering principles to various life walks, including design, manufacturing, analysis, maintenance, etc. A career in mechanical engineering is lucrative as it offers not just high packages but also innovation at every step.

An individual who is dedicatedly passionate about Physics and Mathematics should choose Mechanical Engineering as a career option. This discipline will help the individuals sharpen the required skills in different genres such as vehicles, designs, research, manufacturing of the equipment, etc. Not just this, this discipline also helps in honing both logical and analytical skills.

A mechanical engineer who is the right skill-sets is valued highly for the innovation skills they bring to the table regularly. If you are considering to opt Mechanical Engineering as a career option, read out some top benefits and facts about this evergreen subject. 

What is Mechanical Engineering?

It is a discipline that is a blend of maths, science, computing, and a creative mind. To pursue this course as a career option, you must understand all the physics, materials, and applied science concepts to design, analyze, modify, maintain, and manufacture mechanical systems used by companies internationally. 

This particular discipline covers a vast area, so mechanical engineers are known for building the world we live in. Right from creating the world’s smallest nanotechnology to building immense structures like cars, societies, space stations, etc., Mechanical Engineers have the ultimate power to give a required shape to any structure or machine that is kept in front of them. 

It is engineering’s oldest and most extensive branch of all other engineering fields. Though we will discuss the section of jobs later in this article later, the job prospects for Mechanical Engineers are limitless both in domestic and international companies. 

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 Mechanical Engineering is considered an essential discipline is known for applying engineering principles to various life walks, including design, manufacturing, analysis, maintenance, etc. A career in mechanical engineering is lucrative as it offers not just high packages but also innovation at every step.

An individual who is dedicatedly passionate about Physics and Mathematics should choose Mechanical Engineering as a career option. This discipline will help the individuals sharpen the required skills in different genres such as vehicles, designs, research, manufacturing of the equipment, etc. Not just this, this discipline also helps in honing both logical and analytical skills.

A mechanical engineer who is the right skill-sets is valued highly for the innovation skills they bring to the table regularly. If you are considering to opt Mechanical Engineering as a career option, read out some top benefits and facts about this evergreen subject. 

What is Mechanical Engineering?

It is a discipline that is a blend of maths, science, computing, and a creative mind. To pursue this course as a career option, you must understand all the physics, materials, and applied science concepts to design, analyze, modify, maintain, and manufacture mechanical systems used by companies internationally. 

This particular discipline covers a vast area, so mechanical engineers are known for building the world we live in. Right from creating the world’s smallest nanotechnology to building immense structures like cars, societies, space stations, etc., Mechanical Engineers have the ultimate power to give a required shape to any structure or machine that is kept in front of them. 

It is engineering’s oldest and most extensive branch of all other engineering fields. Though we will discuss the section of jobs later in this article later, the job prospects for Mechanical Engineers are limitless both in domestic and international companies. 

Range of Career Options

Pursuing this degree won’t just restrict you to a limited number of career options. Instead, it has a broad spectrum of engineering sectors that you can choose according to your ambitions and interests. Some of them are:

Aerospace industry 

This is where you will design the next generation of high-tech planes and rockets for the companies and even the government. There is a huge demand for mechanical engineers in the aerospace industry as it involves the designing skill-set of the machines primarily found in mechanical engineers.

  • Automotive Industry: In this industry, you will work on various projects, from constructing a  building to making Formula 1 racing cars and buses. The automobile industry’s core is its structure of vehicles, and that needs to be on point. The mechanical engineers are required to build the optimized structure and lay a strong foundation for the cars.
  • Biomedical Industry: This is where you will be required to develop high-tech and advanced medical equipment used by various medical institutes nationally and internationally. The biomedical industry is always in need of the right designers who understand the logic and analytics of making a machine.
  • Energy: In this sector, you will conduct tests and analyze results to find greener and efficient alternatives to power sources. This is where the analytical skills of the mechanical engineers come into play.
  • Government Jobs: Many mechanical engineers keep an eye on government jobs post completion of their degree. Government jobs include BARC, ISRO, PSUs, Railway, ESE, etc. State PSU also comes under the government jobs. Mainly PSUs recruit through the GATE exam, and the remaining PSUs conduct their exams. 
  • Armed Forces Jobs: This includes the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Airforce, and some other paramilitary forces. For candidates interested in joining the forces, they must give it a shot, as armed forces are always on the mechanical engineers’ lookout. Indian forces do provide opportunities for pre-final year and final year graduates through UES (University Entry Scheme)
  • Best Popular Hashtag to use with #mechanical are 

Wednesday, 11 January 2023


First things first: CAD means computer-aided-design or computer-aided drafting. One might have some ideas in mind regarding design, like creating appealing visuality or sketching drafts. However, design in mechanics is not only about shapes, but also materials, tolerances, and dimensions. It is rather about the appearance than matching elements. What has to be done to design in the field of mechanics will be deferred to later. Formerly, the design process was done manually by drawing, but nowadays certain software offer support: so-called CAD tools. Those tools for CAD are used for example in the automotive, aerospace, and architectural industry – so basically in every industry that is dealing with design in a technical way. There are indeed many CAD tools on the market. But what are they needed for? All in all, one must know which demands he wants to meet with the software.

Designing in Electronics Engineering

One department, where CAD tools are indispensable is Electronics Engineering. Instead of CAD, we are talking more about Electronic Computer Aided Design Tools (ECAD) or Electronic Design Automation (EDA) here, which are specifically for the tasks of an Electronics Engineer. This allows him to do Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). It has slightly different requirements than the normal CAD tools fitting the needs of the electronics “designer”. What has to be designed in Electronics Engineering are Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or electronics systems. As this is a truly complicated task, the tools must be created for this concretely. A circuit board or Printed Circuit Board is an important element of any electronics system. In easy words, it is the brain controlling the parts of the device it is implemented in. You can find it in any electronic devices used daily, such as smartphones and computers and even in a hairdryer, but also in washing machines and driving vehicles. Therefore, the engineer has to know exactly what the PCB should control, which signals it should process. The PCB designer has to choose the elements that are needed on the PCB out of many options for each component. The choice is depending on many factors, as for example:

  • the use of the circuit board (what should it control?)
  • the environment it will be used in (is it outside, inside, wet, …?)
  • the components' compatibility to each other (do they work together, e.g. regarding the voltage?)

After selecting the components, the PCB “designer” places them on the board. There are also certain things to be respected, for example, it should be needed as least space as possible. Sometimes the shape of the device demands a certain shape of the PCB. As the last step, the components need to be connected. This also is a truly complicated task and the board-designer appreciates being supported by a software or more specifically: an ECAD tool.


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Monday, 9 January 2023

Mechanical Engineering in Cad piston 

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computers (or workstations) to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.[1] This software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing.[2] Designs made through CAD software are helpful in protecting products and inventions when used in patent applications. CAD output is often in the form of electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations. The terms computer-aided drafting (CAD) and computer aided design and drafting (CADD) are also used.[3]

Its use in designing electronic systems is known as electronic design automation (EDA). In mechanical design it is known as mechanical design automation (MDA), which includes the process of creating a technical drawing with the use of computer software.[4]

CAD software for mechanical design uses either vector-based graphics to depict the objects of traditional drafting, or may also produce raster graphics showing the overall appearance of designed objects. However, it involves more than just shapes. As in the manual drafting of technical and engineering drawings, the output of CAD must convey information, such as materialsprocessesdimensions, and tolerances, according to application-specific conventions.

CAD may be used to design curves and figures in two-dimensional (2D) space; or curves, surfaces, and solids in three-dimensional (3D) space


Mechanical Design startups

The idea behind this startup: Twin Science & Robotics is a new generation educational experience that upskills children with physical and digital products. We believe that every child is born with a strong sense of curiosity that embodies an urge for discovery and invention. As they grow up, the steadfast truths, the social norms, the standardized education system turn them into passive learners, inhibit their curiosity; and sometimes unknowingly turn it into fear. We created Twin with the passion that we could spark children’s innate power of curiosity and introduce ongoing fun learning experience given the right tools and platforms. Twin introduces science and technology concepts to children, then allows them to question, to be creative, to experiment, to learn & unlearn, and to be resilient. We provide 2 platforms: Robotics Kits and Digital Application. Different concepts of Twin robotics kits consist of electronic modules that could easily be attached with magnets. The pieces are also LEGO-compatible. Every kit has a set of readily available experiments to spark curiosity. The number of experiments is only limited by one’s creativity! Twin digital application consists of interdisciplinary courses that expose the kids to scientific concepts. This platform also provides a community, where Twinners can share and celebrate their experiments and learn together. In the advanced stages, using patterns of the children from their digital journey, Twin will offer a customized learning path for each child. The founders met at YGA, an NGO. “The latest technology to the most remote rural areas.” This is the motto Twin was built on. Born out of the insights of the more than 20.000 children from field study, the first Twin kits were built with the guidance of Turkey’s first science Nobel laureate Prof. Aziz Sancar, Harvard & MIT University Prof. Mehmet Toner. With the purchase of a Twin kit, everyone can contribute to the Science Campaign extending to the remotest villages.

Headquarters: London, England, United Kingdom

Industries: Apps, EdTech, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, STEM Education

Founders: Asude Altintas, Cemil Cihan Ozalevli, Mustafa Sapcili, Omer Gorgulu


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Mechanical Auto Cad

he demand placed on today’s engineers goes above and beyond the job description. Products have become complex and engineers are more frequently asked to leave specialized roles and to take on a wide variety of tasks that are beyond their traditional responsibilities. These tasks are centered on form, fit, and function. Engineers need to factor in broader concerns such as cost, procurement, sustainability, manufacturability, and serviceability. Their role has moved away from an individual responsibility to working as part of a collaborative engineering team, executing tradeoffs with both engineering and business stakeholders to meet project goals. These trends have forced today’s engineers to broaden their skillset to be successful.

Engineers today are required to be on the cutting edge of design innovation. This means not only understanding engineering principles that govern the title and role, but also perfecting the toolsets needed to design and develop products.

Through this specialization, you’ll learn the foundations of applying computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), and manufacturing principles while developing your technical skills within Autodesk Fusion 360.

Looking for Autodesk Fusion 360 certification prep courses? Check out additional learning resources to help you uplevel your skills.


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Electronic mechanical braking system executive mechanism design, calculation, and modeling based on dynamic control

  Introduction:   As science and technology develop, automobiles are moving toward intelligence and electrification and need better braking ...